Blog articles / 17 May 2021

Commiting to safe ADAS recalibrations

We know that sometimes ADAS jargon gets a bit technical, so we’re here to make things as simple and easy to understand as possible.

Vehicle safety systems and technologies are changing and developing quickly but luckily for us we have a dedicated research team at Belron International who are at the forefront of these developments. They invest over €2m a year… how impressive is that! This goes into ensuring that all of our tools and processes are in line with original equipment manufacturers (OEM) standards and follow industry best practice. We haven’t done this research alone, we’ve collaborated with top independent research companies including UK based Transport Research Foundation (TRF) and Horiba MIRA and Ohio based Transportation Research Centre (TRC).

Many customers are starting to request ADAS recalibrations at locations more convenient to them or what we call uncontrolled environments outside of our branches. Based on Belron International’s research, advice from Bosch (experts in recalibration tooling), and OEM information available, our safety policy is to not perform recalibrations outside of our branches. However, if the outside environment is assessed, meets our controlled environment standards, and is cost effective against our job volume and the cost of recalibration machinery, we may consider the possibility of a recalibration at locations more convenient to customers.

We’re committed to sharing our findings and knowledge with our partners and customers industry wide. We’re also sharing our findings with AGSA NZ (Auto Glass Safety Association NZ), and are encouraging our competitors to adopt the same safety standard. We can’t emphasise enough how important it is to understand the risks and implications around vehicles repairs and making sure they meet OEM and NZTA safety requirements.

If you’d like to know more about our research, please get in touch with your account manager.